YO62 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

YO62 5 is a postcode sector in North Yorkshire, UK. Below is a complete list of YO62 5 Postcodes (Active). YO62 5 postcode sector comprises of 179 active postcodes. YO62 5 sector has a population of 2717, and it has 1279 properties in the region.

Browse Information On YO62 5 postcode sector

YO62 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 2717
Addresses / Property Count 1279
Active Postcodes 179
Nearby Postcode Districts 36
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of YO62 5 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 179 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
YO62 5AA 54.24458900 -1.05835000 26 56 461461 483620
YO62 5AB 54.24558400 -1.06185300 12 15 461231 483728
YO62 5AD 54.24659600 -1.06330800 17 32 461135 483839
YO62 5AE 54.24815800 -1.06534400 15 28 461000 484011
YO62 5AF 54.24787000 -1.06525900 5 6 461006 483979
YO62 5AG 54.24815800 -1.06457300 15 29 461050 484012
YO62 5AH 54.24496800 -1.06703900 N/A N/A 460894 483655
YO62 5AJ 54.24804600 -1.06294900 5 7 461156 484001
YO62 5AL 54.24909700 -1.06127100 8 13 461264 484119
YO62 5AN 54.24787700 -1.06039300 14 20 461323 483984
YO62 5AP 54.24896800 -1.05964700 11 24 461370 484106
YO62 5AQ 54.24760100 -1.06232900 N/A N/A 461197 483952
YO62 5AS 54.24883200 -1.06416300 6 12 461076 484087
YO62 5AT 54.24675900 -1.06457800 4 9 461052 483856
YO62 5AU 54.24617400 -1.06325600 3 4 461139 483792
YO62 5AW 54.24953400 -1.06078600 34 75 461295 484168
YO62 5AX 54.24798700 -1.05948500 9 13 461382 483997
YO62 5AY 54.24408300 -1.05796300 3 3 461487 483564
YO62 5AZ 54.24712400 -1.06522900 16 20 461009 483896
YO62 5BA 54.24693400 -1.05702300 21 36 461544 483882
YO62 5BB 54.24500600 -1.05297000 5 9 461811 483671
YO62 5BD 54.24476600 -1.05220800 4 8 461861 483645
YO62 5BE 54.24487400 -1.05331000 9 22 461789 483656
YO62 5BF 54.28636600 -1.21294700 N/A N/A 451335 488145
YO62 5BG 54.24585400 -1.06034700 8 9 461329 483759
YO62 5BH 54.24620400 -1.06068800 3 7 461306 483798
YO62 5BJ 54.24682100 -1.06100100 1 2 461285 483866
YO62 5BL 54.24596300 -1.06158800 1 2 461248 483770
YO62 5BN 54.24562500 -1.06096600 1 2 461289 483733
YO62 5BP 54.24761900 -1.05999600 N/A N/A 461349 483956
YO62 5BQ 54.24580000 -1.05686500 2 3 461556 483756
YO62 5BR 54.24683900 -1.05978800 13 23 461364 483869
YO62 5BU 54.24641200 -1.05807900 3 5 461476 483823
YO62 5BW 54.24687000 -1.06040100 6 11 461324 483872
YO62 5BX 54.24530200 -1.05756700 15 29 461511 483700
YO62 5BY 54.24618500 -1.05829500 14 32 461462 483798
YO62 5BZ 54.24449300 -1.05525300 30 69 461663 483612
YO62 5DA 54.24553200 -1.05590400 5 9 461619 483727
YO62 5DB 54.24551600 -1.05504500 7 21 461675 483726
YO62 5DD 54.24658900 -1.05551200 10 19 461643 483845
YO62 5DE 54.24594500 -1.05466700 26 55 461699 483774
YO62 5DF 54.24579400 -1.05609800 19 39 461606 483756
YO62 5DG 54.24632500 -1.05732900 14 38 461525 483814
YO62 5DH 54.24423500 -1.05548900 13 23 461648 483583
YO62 5DJ 54.24638800 -1.05958300 3 6 461378 483819
YO62 5DL 54.24821800 -1.05797600 5 11 461480 484024
YO62 5DN 54.24905700 -1.05731200 25 37 461522 484118
YO62 5DP 54.24426300 -1.05116100 29 66 461930 483590
YO62 5DQ 54.24267300 -1.05349900 N/A N/A 461780 483411
YO62 5DR 54.24544700 -1.06107800 N/A N/A 461282 483713
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